Monday, November 9, 2015

The End of Innocence

A few months back I saw my neighbor's chubby two year old son prancing around happily with a new 'Chhota Bheem' backpack. It was his first day at playgroup and he seemed super excited. I felt so sorry for the poor chap. After the bliss of childhood and being the cynosure of everyone's eyes, the little boy was now going to witness the catastrophic event called 'school' . Nothing would  be the same ever again.

School is defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary as an institution for the teaching of children. I call it, 'The End of Innocence' particularly and unfortunately in reference to thecurrent education system. I pity the little kids. After living in a carefree, free spirited world where everyone loves and adores them, they are transported to a world of rules, discipline, competition and 'academic performance'. A place where their erstwhile adorable baby babble becomes 'unclear speech' and scribbling (earlier appreciated as 'work of art') becomes a sign of 'inadequate motor skills'.  Worst still, they step into a world where they are no longer accepted unconditionally but only when they fit into a predetermined mould of behaviour and personality. This all at the tender age of 2+.

My own experience with early school was nothing short of a nightmare. I hated everything about it. The sanitized corridors, expressionless teachers sans affection, nursery rhymes and songs which made no sense and wicked looking ayahs who terrorized us with threats of “I’ll tell the teacher”. I created a ruckus to go to school every day for nearly six months. Finally my parents and teachers gave in and I was home schooled for a year. [Only :-( ]

Of course there is also a school of thought that credits this "education system" for the  "Indian Software revolution' and success of the Indian diaspora on foreign shores. However..I beg to differ. I strongly believe that it is this education system which has nipped many a talent in the bud creating a band of diffident, unthinking,  rote learning, marks thirsty zombies who can follow but not lead, make but not invent, write but not create.

If ever I could have my way, I would make sure all children are home schooled till the age of 5 and then sent to kindergarten. It is well known that the first six years of one’s life is significant for the brain to develop fully. What a waste to use this super active sponge like brain cells to cram unnecessary, meaningless nursery rhymes and multiplication tables !! Instead, children should be exposed to the beauty and variety of our universe. Be it through music, dance, art and crafts, sculpture or climbing trees and mountains, sailing seas, making sand castles or even planting gardens or looking at the stars. We should develop the tender minds by teaching reading, analysis, thinking, absorbing, experimenting and innovating. Just Imagine the possibilities if this were to come true !!!  Our children will become thinkers, innovators, builders and designers that break the mould, think outside the box and enhance lives of millions around the world through their brilliant ideas and inventions. I really hope to be around to see that day !!!

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with yo the education revamp hopefully happens soon. We need to let them enjoy life!!! Love the coment on home schooling, maybe a solution to the mad rush for admissions in nursery?
